The Five Senses

Do you know what the senses are?

From the beginning of time, humans have had biological ways to adapt to the environment with the use of biological tools integrated in the body, allowing to react to potential dangers. These are called the senses.

Sense is the ability to perceive internal and external stimuli using specific organs. Each sense is formed by a group of specialized cells that detect "feelings" through receptors.
Generally, it is considered that humans have five senses: hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste.

Five Classic Senses


A bodily sense that perceives and distinguishes sounds. The human ear can perceive frequencies from 20 Hz, and even 28,000 Hz, very high-pitched sounds with an intensity volume from 5 to 15 decibels.


Or vision, is probably the most developed sense in humans. It is so important for survival that it can impose on logic. When sight becomes blocked or removed, all the other senses become alerted.


This is the sense that perceives and distinguishes odors. Unlike many animals, the sense of smell is less developed in humans.


This sense perceives contact or pressure on the skin, and certain characteristics and qualities are distinguished, such as shape, size, roughness, softness or temperature.


This is the sense that identifies flavors through the tongue. The human being is able to perceive a wide range of flavors, in response to a combination of various stimuli, including texture, temperature, smell and taste. Food can be sweet or salty, sour or bitter. Detecting those flavors is the function of the taste buds in the mouth.

In addition to the five traditional senses, many theorists argue there are many more:


This is the sense in which we perceive tingling or irritation of the skin, a feeling that makes you want to scratch the affected area. The stimulus comes from within the human body.


This is the ability to perceive stimuli arising from within the body with respect to position, movement and balance.


This is the ability of some living things to detect direction and sense the magnetic field found in the crystals of a natural mineral, magnetite, obtaining information on altitude and location. Humans have deposits of magnetic materials in the ethmoid bone of the nose, and there are signs of some magnetoreception capacity.


This is the means by which we perceive ambient temperature, because the skin has two types of receptors, one for cold/mint, and one for hot/spicy.


This is the ability of the body to detect potential damage, the coding and processing noxious stimuli in the nervous system. Nociception is divided into three types of pain: that of organs, bones and skin.


It allows humans and animals to walk without falling. Some animals are better at this than humans. For example, cats, who can walk on a thin fence using their inner ear and tail for balance.


All human beings are born with an innate sense of hunger. A baby cries incessantly if it is hungry and doesn’t stop until satisfied. From the day we’re born, humans use this sense all the time, our entire life.


The need to drink fluids is a natural instinct of man. Thirst serves as an automatic reminder to keep us alive.


Stretch receptors respond to distension of various organs and muscles. Its effect can be perceived when we eat and have a full belly or when our lungs fill with air.


The main senses that are dependent on the chemoreceptors in humans are taste and smell. They allow the human body to defend itself against potential dangers by vomiting in case of poisoning, or suffocation when there is an agent that affects the respiratory system.


All human beings develop a sense of time, which is related to what the various senses communicate to each other about the outside world. However, humans process their sense of time differently. One minute in the dentist's chair may seem like an eternity, while one hour with a beautiful woman can feel like so much less time for someone in love.


These are the sensations that are transmitted from all points of the body to the nervous system. They are primarily concerned with the perception of motion, and help us grasp balance, space and time.


It refers to the perception of odors when listening to music or when you hear a certain word, or even the smell and taste of colors. That is, it is the joint perception or interference of various kinds of sensations of different senses in the same perceptive act.

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